
Über mich

10 langjährige Erfahrungen

Pure Cynophilist who loves Dogs as my own Family

Ever since I was a kid,I had dogs in my house.I took care of my doggie for 6 years before coming to Germany,I used to take her for walk,feed her ,bathe her and Also My friends rely on me whenever they go far.Also My Dog had 6 babies and I took good care of them for 45 days.The youngest baby is 1 year old now and I took care of him 24/7 as he was with me always from his young days and had to leave him back in my home country as I came here for my higher education.I have always been a true dog lover since my childhood.I can be your dog's best friend and promise to give him good care.

I am currently a Master's student who is looking for Part time in Pet Care as I really love dogs.I can spent plenty of time to play with your pups and even take them for a walk or do whatever needed.

I live in a single apartment where pets are allowed.I dont have any pets with me currently,so I can either bring them here or I can stay in your pet's place.Both are convenient for me.

Weitere Fähigkeiten
Erfahrung mit Verhaltensproblemen

Verfügbar Nicht verfügbar
Kalender aktualisiert: vor mehr als einer Woche

Maneesha kümmert sich um

  • Klein (0-10 kg)
  • Mittelgroß (11-25 kg)
  • Groß (26-45 kg)
  • Sehr groß (> 45 kg)
  • Katze
Rassen, mit denen Maneesha Erfahrung hat:
Labrador Retriever · Weißer Schäferhund · Beagle · Pomeranian · Golden Retriever · Lhasa Apso · Sibirischer Husky · Yorkshire Terrier

Maneesha Profil Information

Identität überprüft
Sitter-Training abgeschlossen
Kalender aktualisiert: vor mehr als einer Woche


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